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Hanging Around

I have had great fun making these beautiful hanging decorations. They are available to buy at a very affordable price and make ideal gifts.

I have experimented with some, putting a layer of mirror between the perpex and glass to get the maximum effect of any light from the front and love the result. It makes them ideal for hanging against a wall or fence or in a darker shady spot.

I also have the version without the mirror layer, which reflects light from and through both the front and back of the decoration.

I was really happy to sell my first one on Saturday at a local community event and something tells me I'm going to be busy making a lot of these ready for Xmas!

Check them out in my gallery of work.

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 Swindon, Wiltshire 

(Please come via Thamesdown Drive A4198- Torun Way- Guernsey Lane-

Look for the Guernsey Farmhouse sign at the far end)

DO NOT approach via Torun Way South, as there is a bus lane with cameras.

© Site content and designs Jacquie Primrose
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